Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sad saturday morning song lyrics (sunday night edition)
Marty Robbins
When I hear the rain a comin' down it makes me sad and blue
Was on a rainy night like this that Flo said we were through.
I told her how I loved her, and I begged her not to go
But another man had changed her mind so I said goodbye to Flo.
Alone within my cell tonight my heart is filled with fear
The only sound within the room is the falling of each tear.
I think about the thing I've done, I know it wasn't right
They'll bury Flo tomorrow, but they're hanging me tonight,
They're hanging me tonight!
That night he came and took my Flo and headed in to town
I knew I had to find this man and try to gun him down
As I walked by a dim cafe and I looked through the door
I saw my Flo with her new love and I couldn't stand no more,
I couldn't stand no more.
I took my pistol from my hip and with a trembling hand
I took the life of pretty Flo and that good for nothin' man
That good for nothin' man!
I think about the thing I've done I know it wasn't right
They'll bury Flo tomorrow, but they're hanging me tonight,
They're hanging me tonight.
So football
And apparently Greg Lake came out at TSO tonight in C-Lo, according to Heath. But I've seen the other two members of ELP, so eat it. But I'm still jealous.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
England swings like a pendulum do
2. I no longer get Rolling Stone. Not that I wanted it in the first place, but it was free, so eh? I felt guilty not reading it. But nowI apparently get ....Men's Journal? I don't even know what the Hell this magazine is for. Is it for extreme sports guys? I think it's actually for men having midlife crises who want to read about other, crazier men doing crap like cliffjumping. At least this one is monthly, so I can take my time with it.
3. Country music sundays now kick more ass than ever with new Roger Miller, Johnny Horton, Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash and...wait for it...Merle Haggard!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Here is are reasons never to fly, based on my experiences:
2. Security guard who checks IDs (what a job): "This License expires today." Me: "I know." Him: "It expires today." Me: "I know, I'm going to Alaska today. It's an Alaskan license." Him: "It expires today." Me: "Just let me through." Barely caught the plane to Minneapolis.
3. Minnepolis > Seattle flight delayed 2 hours in 15 minute increments. Spent 6 hours at that airport. Missed Seattle connection to Alaska.
4. Rebooked on new flight to Alaska. Problem: fat woman with a 3-week old baby in the middle seat NEXT TO ME. Also, she required approximately 20% of my space from my seat, not including the armrest. I am now sore all over from sitting at very awkward angles for 3.5 hours.
5. This is the least of the problems, but upon final arrival in Fairbanks, Mister pushy had the window seat and I was in the aisle. someone handed me my backpack (we were in the front non-first class row with no underseat storage) which apparently made him quite jealous. So he started pushing me a bit because he apparently wanted his bags too. Which were in the over bin RIGHT ABOVE US. Me: "Hey, your bags are still there. They're not going anyplace." Him: "Mumble mumble crazy talk".
6. Finally, guess what? My only checked in bag didn't make it. Great. So clothes (I guess they were all dirty anyway) no toiletries ( I really want to brush me teeth).
Thanks airline industries! Thanks idiot passengers! Thanks government for bailing the airlines out!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Concert update:
12/29 John Mullins and Dave Katz @ The Grog Shop. I loved the Ed McGee and Dave Katz solo shows at Peabody's, so this should be great too. I'll be there, taping.
1/25 Cobra Starship. Grog Shop. Sold out??? wtf? I gotta find a way in.
Actually, credit to Amy for all of the above, as she showed me the Scene containing the ad.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
For your consideration:
FACT: Beer makes everything better.
FACT: The polar bear is the most overrated bear.
FACT: I was within 30 feet of about 40 dead bodies today.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
YouTube Republican debate (like #8?)
So we need somebody to introduce the guy who is introducing the candidates? w/e
Holy shit, Duncan Hunter is still here!
These intros are bizzare.
Awkward hug from John McCain!
...And then they just stand there....
8:06Look, I don't care which questions they're NOT going to ask.
8:08 wtf is this? a mfing song? I need some more beer. It's not a question dummies.
8:13 I just don't get worked up about immigration. Wait, Rudy says....BURRRRNNN!!! Smack.
8:15 I think Rudy is trying to score cheap points. Mitt the robo-executive tries to come back.
8:17 Really? Another immigration question? Criminy. So abortion and immigration? There are other issues people.
I'm bored with this boring immigration debate. I'm going to email my friend with the new baby.
8:22 That question guy is in the audience? Creepy.
8:23 Tancredo pretty much admits he's the immigration candidate, and that's it. Wait, he wants to stop ALL immigration? Uhhh....right.
Duncan Hunter is my least favorite.
8:26 Huckabee's question is stupid. And I'm no Huckabee supporter. Also, please, there are other issues than immigration. Like abortion.
30 minutes in and no Ron Paul. Oh well.
8:31 omg, give Ron Paul the crazy question. You goddamn assholes. He tries to turn it around though. Big applause? Ok then.
8:33 Hm, this seems like a question tailor-made for Paul...and you give it to McCain. (His indirect answer is to spend money killing brown people in other countries instead of science) But pretty good applause.
8:37 Ahhhh....right up my alley. Thompson's line didn't get a very big laugh for some reason. Paul and his cutting fucking DEPARTMENTS. fantastic.
Wait, Huckabee is copying Paul? Don't be an asshat. but good ending.
Wait, why is McCain attacking Paul?
Grover Norquist is exactly the nerd I'd thought he'd be.
8:45 Good question, but who the hell is this smarmy ass kid? Jesus!
It's not even an hour in and I'm ready to start doing shots.
Duncan Hunter REALLY hates China.
8:52 That was a pretty nasty Thompson attack ad. But he makes a fair point.
8"55 Holy shit, is this commercial for real?? Some Australian asshole talking about kids not drinking from Coors? Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I'm actually embarrassed to have even watched it.
still bored, so Quiet Riot comes back on.
Lame gun control question. Lamer answer from .....sigh, Hunter.
9:01 Did Guliani just admit he's a bullying jerk? I think so. Also, it's a shifty answer.
9:04 Another crazy question? OK. Also, please be quiet Duncan Hunter.
9:05 Black on black crime. Best question of the night (so far). Lame answer Romney. So far they are dodging the question. Guiliani associates black with "poor". I'm betting they dont'give this to Paul, who will give the only honest answer.
9:09 Good answer from Paul on abortion...hmmmm...just an OK answer. Saved by a federalist answer. Is Thompson telling states what to do?
Why does Rudy keep calling it "Roe against Wade"?
Mike Huckabee, king of the debate one-liners
9:16 wtf kind of question is that? Huckabee gives a heartfelt, honest answer. damn him. His best so far actually.
9:23 Lame Rudy ad.
sorry, its RAH RAH war in iraq. Wait senior McCain, didn't Paul oppose Rumsfeld's strategy?
Hunter: omg.....WE HELP U LOTZ, LUV UZ!!!!!
9:31 I agree w/ McCain on torture. And I think he and Paul stand alone on this issue.
Holy crap??? The question is who wants to stay in Iraq the longest? Dumbass.
McCain's applause beats Paul's? Sigh.
Wow, lots of Paul boos.
9:37 Tancredo, we know you hate brown people.
I really think Thompson is runnig for VP.
ROFL: Duncan Hunter built a fence. lololol
shit, that coors don't drink if you're under 21 commercial is on AGAIN.
....Another question to Hunter? awwww.....Wait, conservatives hate gays? Uh...Romney's asnwer is laaaame and a non-answer. And people are booing the re-question? Morons. You can still try to answer the question.
9:52 Huckabee = mister jokester. These gay rights non-answers are troubling.
9"53 Mister lisp asks about the national debt.
9:56 The Mars Society? they get a question? Huckabee says NASA saved your life. Tancredo blames NASA for the national debt.
9:58 Why don't black people vote for republicans?......From what i understand, if they don't have an approved family, they should go to jail.
Confederate flag....Romney = nonanswer....again. Thompson gives a long winded but eventually correst answer.
Ron Paul vid last? Eff you CNN.
Ron Paul gives his best answer of the night at 10:06....when no one is watching.
10:07 Line item veto debate again? C'mon.
10:08 Yes, yes, we all love Ron Paul. Bad question though.
10:09 Fair BoSox question to Rudy. OK, now it's stupid. Just end it.
Thanks guys.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Tim and Eric
Awesome Great Job! started a new season last sunday. Now I gotta keep my ass awake until 12:15 every sunday.
I want to join the Heidecker family too.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Babies: rethinking old positions
Chengzhuo had her son yesterday morning. I went to see the whole family today and left UH feeling better than I've felt in a long time. Like I said, I don't know if I've changed in terms of how I think of babies or maybe post-birth mothers release happy-phermones (if so, I will manufacture them and use/sell them). Maybe the fact that Chengzhuo, her husband and her mother-in-law were all so happy was infectious. Right now, I don't care.
I couldn't stop looking at the baby. I know it sounds gay or whatever, but it was breath-taking. That little guy was in her belly last wednesday (the last day she came to work) when she told me to quit being so sad and serious. Well, starting friday, I've been trying. And today I didn't even need to try.
He was still ugly in that baby way (before I meant that in a mean way, but not now). But it was still somehow cute. Like a tiny Jim Henson creation. I couldn't even touch him.
I can't wait to babysit when he gets older. I'm gonna be a rad uncle.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Great song you've probably never heard
Was I Right or Wrong
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Like a restless leaf in the autumn breeze
Once I was a tumblin weed
Like a rollin stone, cold and all alone
Living for the day my train would come
I never cared for school or any golden rules
Papa used to always say I was a useless fool
So I left my home to show them thay was wrong
And headed out on the road singing my song
Then one sunny day. the man, he looked my way
And everything that I dreamed of, it was real
Money, girls and cars; and big long cigars
And I caught the first plane home so papa would see
When I went home to show em they was wrong
All that I found was two tombstones
Somebody tell me please was I right or wrong
Oh, such a sad song
First I got lost, then I got found
But the ones that I love are in the ground
Papa I only wish you could see me now
Take a listen papa
Whoo, I learnt how to play my guitar
Gonna be a superstar
First I got lost, then I got found
The ones I love are in the ground
Wont you tell me please was I right or wrong
If theres any way you can hear what I say
Papa, I never meant to do you wrong
All the money, girls and cars. and all the words and all the cigars
Papa, I just want you to know they couldnt take your place
When I went home to show em they was wrong
All that I found was two tombstones
Somebody tell me please was I right or wrong
Oh, such a sad song
First I got lost, then I got found
But the ones that I love are in the ground
Somebody tell me please was I right or wrong
Monday, November 05, 2007
I just found out
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Sad saturday morning lyrics
Got a grand house out in the country.
Marble pillars holding the door.
Empty bottles lining the wall from the night before.
Got a Roller out in the garage.
But the wheels are stuck to the floor.
Got no reason to go anywhere--no friends call anymore.
I don't want to be me, I don't want to be me,
I know it's hard to see, But I don't want to be me.
Had me playing down at the palace.
I was declared the belle of the ball.
Made the boys take my goods and chattels away--
now I'm staring at an empty hall.
I don't want to be me.
Pardon me--I'm on my way.
Pardon me but I'm going.
Taking on the simple life and I feel the grass roots growing.
I'm going to ride the ragged road--
diamond spurs jangling into the sunset.
No circuits running overload--Well maybe I'm not done yet.
Now there's nothing left in the cupboard
and three bears' been eating my soup.
My life is one big critical mess if you take a look.
And the butler's off in Ibiza on expense account gone berserk.
But I can't check out of this crazy world
without being a jerk--I don't want to be me.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The White Stripes:
C'mon, you got it all wrong, man
And if you think that our dance was all in the hips
Oh well, then do the twist
If you think holding hands is all in the fingers
Grab hold of the soul where the memory lingers and
Make sure to never do it with a singer
Cause they'll tell everyone in the world
But he was thinking about the girl
Yeah, but he's thinking about the girl, oh
A lot of people get confused and they bruise
Real easy when it comes to love
They start putting on their shoes and walking out
And singing "boy, I think I had enough"
Just because she makes you feel wrong
She don't mean to be mean or hurt you on purpose, boy
Take a tip and do yourself a little service
Take a mountain turn it into a mole
Just by playing a different role
Yeah, by playing a different role, oh
The boat yeah you know she's rockin' it
And the truth well you know there's no stoppin' it
The boat yeah you know she's still rockin' it
The truth well you know there's no stoppin' it
So what, somebody left you in a rut
And wants to be the one who's in control
But the feeling that you're under can really make you wonder
How the hell she could be so cold
So now you're mad, denying the truth
And it's getting in the wisdom in the back of your tooth
You need ta spit it out, in a telephone booth
While you call everyone that you know, and ask 'em
Where do you think she goes
Oh yeah, where d'ya suppose she goes, oh
The truth well you know there's no stoppin' it
And the boat well you know she's still rockin' it
The boat well you know she's still rockin' it
And the truth yeah you know there's no stoppin' it
You recognize with your back in the back?
That it's colder when she rocks the boat
But it's the cause hittin on the Cardinal Laws?
'bout the proper place to hang her coat
So to you, the truth is still hidden
And the soul plays the role of a lost little kitten but
You should know that the doctors weren't kidding
She's been singing it all along
But you were hearin' a different song
Ya you were hearin' a different song
But you were hearin' a different song
Friday, October 26, 2007
Spinal Meningitis
Happy Colored Marbles
Piss Up A Rope
Learning To Love
Take Me Away
The Grobe
Even If You Don't
Voodoo Lady
Your Party
Buckingham Green
Albino Sunburned Girl
Leave Deaner Alone
Marble Tulip Juicy Tree
Don't Get 2 Close To My Fantasy
Stroker Ace
Touch My Tooter
Woman & Man
Wavin' My Dick In The Wind
Dr. Rock (Mighty battle axe included!)
Did You See Me
My Own Bare Hands
Booze Me Up
The Mollusk
Buenos Tardes, Amigos
Encore 1: Fiesta
Papa Zit
Mr. Richard Smoker
Powder Blue
Encore 2: I'll Be Your Jonny On Th' Spot
Young At Heart Jam w/Deaner On Drums
Great. Especially the Dr. Rock when an audience member tossed Gener a Halloween battleaxe and he used it to lead the crowd in some rock sing-along action. Too bad Nick missed it (and taking a picture of it). Gener acts like (and IS) a goddamn rock star. And Dean wasn't effing around either, he had some smokin' guitar parts, and really got into playing the guitar while it was on the ground. I was so beat after this and last night that I stayed in Brunswick and drove back this morning at 5:30 (somehow traffic is still bad that early). I still wish every night was a Ween concert.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
"When I woke up this morning I thought this was going to be one of those Dirt Underneath shows"...Patterson Hood
New Patterson song (The Righteous Path?)
Women Without Whiskey
Little Bonnie
Gravity's Gone
Puttin' People On The Moon (The HEAVIEST version I've ever seen)
I'm Eighteen (Yeah, Alice Cooper)
Marry Me
Panties In Your Purse
The Opening Act
Self Destructive Zones
Sandwiches For The Road
One Of These Days
Tales Facing Up
Daddy's Cup
Lookout Mountain
Let There Be Rock
Three Dimes Down
Ronnie And Neil
Buttholeville/State Trooper
So, obviously a rock show. The rock show. Kick ass rock show. It was all worth it for the Moon>18, which rocked totally hard. Then, maybe about 2/3 through the show Amy texts me to say she's hanging out with....wait for it....Dean Ween. Like from Ween. Me: "No fucking way" Amy: "He's gonna sing Van Halen at karaoke" Me: (actually I had already peed my pants at this point).
I didn't get Zip City, but that's ok State Trooper was FanFuckingtastic when Patterson starts throwing the mic stand around cuz he's drank so much whiskey. I need to listen to the recording, I hope it turned out ok.
I would have driven out to Lakewood, but I was beat by the time the show got out at 12:15. And, embarassingly, I wanted to check my email. So I went home. But that email I've been waiting for was there, so still worth it in my opinion. ;)
And still got Ween tonight. Kick ass.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Pre-DBT show partying says:
Zip City
by the Drive-By Truckers
Your Daddy was mad as hell
He was mad at me and you
As he tied that chain to the front of my car and pulled me out of that ditch that we slid into
Don't know what his problem is
Why he keeps dragging you away
Don't know why I put up with this shit
When you don't put out and Zip City's so far away
Your Daddy is a deacon down at the Salem Church of Christ
And He makes good money as long as Reynolds Wrap keeps everything wrapped up tight
Your Mama's as good a wife and Mama as she can be
And your Sister's puttin' that sweet stuff on everybody in town but me
Your Brother was the first-born, got ten fingers and ten toes
And it's a damn good thing cause He needs all twenty to keep the closet door closed
Maybe it's the twenty-six mile drive from Zip City to Colbert Heights
Keeps my mind clean
Gets me through the night
Maybe you're just a destination, a place for me to go
Keeps me from having to deal with my seventeen-year-old mind all alone
Keep your drawers on, girl, it ain't worth the fight
By the time you drop them I'll be gone
And you'll be right where they fall the rest of your life
You say you're tired of me taking you for granted
Waitin' up till the last minute to call you up and see what you want to do
But you're only fifteen, girl, you ain't got no secretary
And "for granted" is a mighty big word for a country girl like you
I think that's just your Daddy talking
Cause He knows that blood red carpet at the Salem Church of Christ
Ain't gonna ever see no wedding between me and you
Zip City it's a good thing that they built a wall around you
Zip up to Tennessee then zip back down to Alabama
I got 350 heads on a 305 engine
I get ten miles to the gallon
I ain't got no good intentions
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Porcupine Tree
What Happens Now?
Fear of a Blank Planet
Sound of Muzak
Nil Recurring
Open Car
Dark Matter
Cheating the Polygraph
A Smart Kid
Way Out of Here
Sleep Together
The Sky Moves Sideways (!!!!!!)
Even Less
I left most of the way through Halo so as to not miss the last train back (11:30??? come on RTA). However, when I left it was pouring rain. So that sucked. Then it was still pouring when the train dropped me off, so another fun, wet walk back to lab. Then it was still pouring when I biked home. Then it was still raining when I biked in this morning. So my pants, shoes and socks are in the warm room and I'm wearing uncomfortable sandals and gym shorts.
Oh yeah, and the cute bartender was there again and she recognized me and then mocked my love of PBR tall boys. But those tattoos freak me out.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Holy crap
Some crazyass Australian dude got an ear put on his forearm. A FUCKING EAR ON HIS ARM!!!

Well I guess I deserve a Ph.D. too, and not for my actual work. And so do the the guys from Futurama. 'Cuz if there's ever a Lucy Liu-bot, I'm marrying it/her. Hot.
Top ten Hot/Smart girls in Hollywood. I didn't even need to get past #10, I just went with her. But Jodie Foster? Maybe 20-30 years ago.
Congrats to Al Gore for winning the Nobel Prize (Peace? I guess.) If only for his Futurama appearances. Also, I watched Manbearpig last night. I might have peed my pants a little.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
South Park
Also, the new episode (last night) which I just finished tonight is awesome, if only for the ending. Heath was right, totally worth everything for the end.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
(R) debate number 6 or something? Whatever.
9:05 Did Chris Matthews totally indirectly ask "what is money?"
9:07 Ron Paul sounds like a total nerd. Philosophising in this debate isn't going to win.
9:09 Uh, McCain, I think he's heard of this "Adam Smith" character.
9:14 Duncan Hunter is not smiley-faced anymore and also he apparently hates China.
9:16 Fred Thompson licks his lips/roof of his mouth waaaaaay too much
9:16 Sam Brownback is still in the race???? He's that creepy, nerdy, super-religious kid.
9:19 I'm embarassed to admit that I kind of liked Tom Tancredo, now he sounds like a weirdo.
9:21 Seriously, if you tear of Romney's face you'll find a robo-skull underneath. However, Guiliani is a dumb bully.
9:22 "hey man, it's cool." "no, it's not."
9:25 is Thompson gunning for the VP??
9:26 Hunter hates China and the free market. And so, ladies and gentlemen, I hate him.
9:29 Why does Tancredo hate illegal immigration? That weirds me out I guess.
9"30 Mitt Romney also hates the Chinese, just a little more subtley (is that a word?)
9"34 HUX0R-B = D0 N0T WANT. later, Duncan Hunter, STFU n00B!!!!
9:40 Sigh, Tancredo. Also, stop stuttering.
9"41 Second AS reference baby! But still not RP? :(
9:55 RP totally Constitutionally BITCHSLAPS robo-Romney
(Here's an aside, when will South Park cover Guiliani's fetishization of 9/11)
10:06 Dammit, McCain, stop loving the war so much. Sometimes you sound reasonable about stuff.
10:06 Ethanol question = teh best yet.
10:18 Tancredo sounds likes the Brain from Animaniacs.
10:31 Fred Thompson: "I'm so folksy!"
There are 20 mins left and the best I can come out with is McCain-Paul? Crap. I don't care about staying awake anymore.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Set 1:
Streamline Woman
Bad Man Walking
About To Rage
Feel Like Breaking Up Somebody's Home*
3 String George
No Need To Suffer
Temporary Saint
Lively Up Yourself
Find The Cost Of Freedom8 with Grace Potter
Ohio* with Grace Potter & Scott Tournet
Set 2:
Out Of The Rain
Mountain Jam->
Beautifully Broken
Like Flies
Slow Happy Boys
Unring The Bell Shakedown Street Tease
Blind Man In The Dark
32/20 Blues
*1st Time Played
Next up: Porcupine Tree 10/22 HOB, DBT 10/24 Beachland, Ween 10/25 HOB
Monday, October 01, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
So I guess I'm out of shape
Taiwan summer '08 or bust!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Things are looking up
Look, if you can't even bike around and you're stuck walking, you are a loser.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
In case you didn't know
I'm still Lord Bigfishington. I captured Lord Pikington in Michigan this past weekend and consumed him to gain his powers. I can already feel myslef becoming wilier and more mean-spirited. And sucka got stabbed in the head! That's how I roll chump!
Fishing in the rain isn't very fun, but when you nail something like that, it's great. Blastfax kudos to me!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
A World of Hurt by DBT
So I decided, maybe I should find a way to make this world work out for me
And my good friend Paul was 83 when he told me; that "To love is to feel pain"
And I thought about that then and I've thought about that again and again
"To love is to feel pain" there ain't no way around it
The very nature of love is to grieve when it is over
The secret to a happy ending is knowing when to roll the credits
Better role them now before something else goes wrong
No, it's a wonderful world, if you can put aside the sadness
And hang on to every ounce of beauty upon you
Better take the time to know it there ain't no way around it
If you feel anything at all
So if what you have is working for you, or you think that it can stand a reasonable chance, and whatever's broken seems fixable and nothing's beyond repair
If you still think about each other and smile before you remember how screwed up it's gotten or maybe dream of a time less rotten
Remember, it ain't too late to take a deep breath and throw yourself into it with everything you got
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Gym behaviour, part 1
If you don't know, all you need to work out are shorts(sweatpants), shoes, SOCKS and a shirt. That's it.
1. No hats. Gross. Until someone invents "sweathats" there are some nifty things called sweatbands that encircle your head and soak up sweat. ANd first of all, if you're in a weightroom, are you really going to sweat that much? And if you DO sweat that much that hat is fucking gross.
2. Sandals. What, are you retarded? Sandals give you in no way the stability of a shoe. Fucktard.
3. Wear socks. Gross.
4. WEAR A SHIRT. Otherwise, it is totally reasonable for me to naked lift, run and bike. There are more private mirrors to admire your physique. Otherwise I may start masterbat....I mean retching! Cuz, uh that's gross. Right?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Go fuck yourself you piece of fucking trash
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
This pretty much explains everything
Courtesy of "Tim and Eric Awesome Show: Great Job!" the funniest thing in existence right now.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Chris Sims as good as cat pictures


Which is funnier the right or the left? I mean I like 'em both. But the right is funnier. I quantified it. You can make your own here. It's Photoshop, you can figure it out your-damn-self.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Is it sad
Oh - thinkin' about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now nothin' can take you away from me
We bin down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
Oh - once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
But just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way
N' baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
I've bin waitin' for so long
For something to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Ya - I'll be standin' there by you
Thursday, May 17, 2007
So, uh what's the problem?
This is funny for so many reasons.
But seriously, who doesn't want a hot readhead who dresses like a whore to wash their clothes? Not I.
Somebody should tell her that her underwear is showing.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
(r) pres. debate #2
Rudy on the post show=not so good....uh database AND id card?
hey dood i oppose that.
RP FTL :(:(
Look Gilmore I believe that you’re not a racist.
Appropriate>???? Come on dude.
Dumb. (1027)
Wait wait wait. Tancredo FTW? Jack bauer? I agree. But u don’t say tha man.
Constitution, rp!, hooray?
1984, what???
And stop leaning
Save urself RP!!
Still embarassed
I don’t like (1024)
Oh, crumb. I don’t know who is who.
Wait, thast guy’s Duncan Hunter? (1020)
TT “I love Reagan” (918)
(that the battlenet talk)
Dood, everyone does.
Guiliani, “I remember 9/11”
Gutfeeling is good answer.
McCain’s answer good? (1015) I really don’t know.
This “scenario” is , uh neat.
So I’ll turn o n Stones during the commercial
RP, RepubParty social pariah.
TT, distancing himself from RP
But, uh TT’s global warming answer FTL
Now I’m a little embarrassed for RP
McCain w/ a softball Q.
RP blew it big time
Guiliani is rigtht.
Shit, bad answer
So, stop it.
Oh, he’s leaning. (1003)
Fst 2 Washington, RP +100
Quit lookin so squinty man!!
HELLS yeah!!!!!!!(1001)
Hey, I wrote that man. Me.
Uhhh Ron Paul. ??? (10:00)
And then RG ftL, stfu. National ID card. w/e
Guiliani with ethe Viagra joke ftw (959)
Mccain w/ another bad joke
Mitt hates immigrants
“I talkied to somebody yesterday.” (956)
As long as I don’t pay for it.
Explain the problem w/ immigration.
Wait he’s on fire (954)
Ooo Tancredo?
Wait no RP in rd 2?
Brownback “hey, man…..are you cool?”
Ugh, no it isn’t Christ man. (949)
Guiliani talking about coercion? I’m listening.
Slavery= abortion. Thanks. (948)
No for realz, u hate RP?
Those embryos are dyin anyway doooood
Cop out answer (947)
BAD quewstion
TT head of HHS, which funds NIH
Also, I love Reagan
He sounds stoned
Ok, brownback is creepy (945)
Mitt joke still better than mccain’s
Look only RP is the cnsistent conservative.
Hm, Huckabee sounds like
Huckabee joke better
Mccain joke, not so funny. (941)
George Will now or George will 10 yrs ago? (939)
Hilary is the only 4reason I might vote R
RG vs Hil
Cuomo is as much a republican as some of these doods
Gilmore callin bruthers out
Whos laughing so loudly?
8 beers. (936)
Damn, I’m all federalisted up. Tancredo bein all Cons Pro ftw
End 1st part
Live, here is the first 30 or so mins, with the time in parenthyeses
Start from the bottom and watch along while reading (900 my time = o:00 on the video)
Constitution for TT? Holy SMOKES!!!! (9:32)
TT/RP ticket??? Conservative libertairan’s wet dream?
Tancredo. Ohhhhh, that dude. Tancredo?
The arsenal of democracy Is leaving our shores. Brilliant.
Gilmore on the OFF (9:29)
Sooo RP p4wns TT FTW!!!!
Homeland security is retarded host guy (9:28)???
That’s right RP
F***k yeah RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CDC???? Rewally?
Tommy Thompson will never be P or VP
Why can’t RP rebuttle everyone???
Lolololol at 9:25 You loser.
Damn your jokes, oh wait Brownback’s not as good
Who was that?
Wait, that wasn’t Brownback!!!
Better joke brtownback or mccain?
Zam John edwards!
Whoah, Brownback trying to steal RP’s stuffz (9:22)
Ooo, good joke McCain (4 realz)
I meant those caps.
Shouldn’t have been caps
How’s that dood? (9:19)
Gilmore reminds me of Bush (2).
4 GLBs so far (Great Lakes Beer)
[How come no one else asks questions?]
Hahahahahah the fat guy! (9:16)
Oh wait, Duncan Hunter! NOW, I know!
mmmmmm.Reagan? I dunno RP
CONSTITUTION!!!! (9:14) I think he’s right. *mancrush*
I heart RP
Oh HELLS YEAH (9:13)
Oh, Duncan Hunter.
Wait, who are you? What are youreading from??? (9:13)
RP not in the top 5, goddamn you FoxN!!!
No, really
Look Guiliani. No one take you seriously. You just remind of the time you hosted SNL.
Der, Brownback wtf dood??? Segregate
Yeah, Brownback, , errr what? Where’s Ron Paul?
Yeah Mitt , I’m really impressed with yotr foreign policy knowledge
Mitt Romney is like a robot (9:08)
Tommy Thompson has no neck
RP #2!!!
“Hi, I’m Smiley McCain!”
Ron Paul's money quote from last night
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Here's an idea:
I'd listen to Iron Maiden (Run to the Hills, Aces High, others)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Our hostess is handing the hot towels around
From a terminal gate to a black limousine
It's a ten minute ride to the Holiday Inn
Boredom's a pastime that one soon acquired
Where you get to the stage where you're not even tired
Kicking your heels till the time comes around
To pick up your bags and head out of town
Slow down Joe, I'm a rock and roll man
I've twiddled my thumbs in a dozen odd bands
And you ain't seen nothing till you've been
In a motel baby like the Holiday Inn
Oh I don't even know if it's Cleveland or Maine
With the buildings as big and rooms just the same
And the TV don't work and the French fries are cold
And the room service closed about an hour ago
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
If your husband thinks you are a nymphomaniac or "pushy and aggressive" because you want sex twice a week.
If sexual activity steeply declines within the first few years of marriage.
You're always more sexually aggressive than your husband.
If your husband is turned off by the thought of touching your vaginal area or performing oral sex on you.
If his best friend is gay.
If he hangs out in gay bars.
If he enjoys watching gay porn movies and surfing gay porn Web sites.
If he is excessively homophobic, mocking and imitating other gay men.
If he brags about gay men complimenting him on his looks.
REALLY? If he hangs out in gay bars? Watches gay porn? Damn, dude. Guess I couldn't figure out I was gay.
Thanks, Captains Obvious.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
If it were possible
Is it sad
All night long!!!