Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sad saturday morning song lyrics (sunday night edition)

They're Hanging Me Tonight
Marty Robbins

When I hear the rain a comin' down it makes me sad and blue
Was on a rainy night like this that Flo said we were through.
I told her how I loved her, and I begged her not to go
But another man had changed her mind so I said goodbye to Flo.

Alone within my cell tonight my heart is filled with fear
The only sound within the room is the falling of each tear.
I think about the thing I've done, I know it wasn't right
They'll bury Flo tomorrow, but they're hanging me tonight,
They're hanging me tonight!

That night he came and took my Flo and headed in to town
I knew I had to find this man and try to gun him down
As I walked by a dim cafe and I looked through the door
I saw my Flo with her new love and I couldn't stand no more,
I couldn't stand no more.

I took my pistol from my hip and with a trembling hand
I took the life of pretty Flo and that good for nothin' man
That good for nothin' man!
I think about the thing I've done I know it wasn't right
They'll bury Flo tomorrow, but they're hanging me tonight,
They're hanging me tonight.

So football

Is totally more entertaining without the commentators. The Browns game was run by ABBA mostly, followed by a little Rage Against the Machine. The late games were covered by Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins.

And apparently Greg Lake came out at TSO tonight in C-Lo, according to Heath. But I've seen the other two members of ELP, so eat it. But I'm still jealous.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

England swings like a pendulum do

1. NSF grant was due 12/12. It's not getting reviewed until 1/17? Good thing I busted ass to finish a month before anyone even looks at it. The government is awesome. I just hope whomever reviews it knows what a protein is. Otherwise I'm screwed.

2. I no longer get Rolling Stone. Not that I wanted it in the first place, but it was free, so eh? I felt guilty not reading it. But nowI apparently get ....Men's Journal? I don't even know what the Hell this magazine is for. Is it for extreme sports guys? I think it's actually for men having midlife crises who want to read about other, crazier men doing crap like cliffjumping. At least this one is monthly, so I can take my time with it.

3. Country music sundays now kick more ass than ever with new Roger Miller, Johnny Horton, Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash and...wait for it...Merle Haggard!

Doctor Rockzo, the cocaine-loving clown

Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Here is are reasons never to fly, based on my experiences:

1. When arriving at the Northwest ticket counter yesterday at 6 am for my 7 am flight there was a full line. Like way past the guideropes. And yet only 2 people working behind the desk. Convienent. So, I got through by around 6:40, only to wait in the security line.

2. Security guard who checks IDs (what a job): "This License expires today." Me: "I know." Him: "It expires today." Me: "I know, I'm going to Alaska today. It's an Alaskan license." Him: "It expires today." Me: "Just let me through." Barely caught the plane to Minneapolis.

3. Minnepolis > Seattle flight delayed 2 hours in 15 minute increments. Spent 6 hours at that airport. Missed Seattle connection to Alaska.

4. Rebooked on new flight to Alaska. Problem: fat woman with a 3-week old baby in the middle seat NEXT TO ME. Also, she required approximately 20% of my space from my seat, not including the armrest. I am now sore all over from sitting at very awkward angles for 3.5 hours.

5. This is the least of the problems, but upon final arrival in Fairbanks, Mister pushy had the window seat and I was in the aisle. someone handed me my backpack (we were in the front non-first class row with no underseat storage) which apparently made him quite jealous. So he started pushing me a bit because he apparently wanted his bags too. Which were in the over bin RIGHT ABOVE US. Me: "Hey, your bags are still there. They're not going anyplace." Him: "Mumble mumble crazy talk".

6. Finally, guess what? My only checked in bag didn't make it. Great. So clothes (I guess they were all dirty anyway) no toiletries ( I really want to brush me teeth).

Thanks airline industries! Thanks idiot passengers! Thanks government for bailing the airlines out!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Concert update:

12/12 The Sword @ The Grog Shop. Best news in a longass time. Ultramegasuperfantastic-blastfax kudos to Amy for pointing this out to me. I love the friggen band and I had no idea. I'll be there with bells on! Or armor. You know, something cool.

12/29 John Mullins and Dave Katz @ The Grog Shop. I loved the Ed McGee and Dave Katz solo shows at Peabody's, so this should be great too. I'll be there, taping.

1/25 Cobra Starship. Grog Shop. Sold out??? wtf? I gotta find a way in.

Actually, credit to Amy for all of the above, as she showed me the Scene containing the ad.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

For your consideration:

FACT: Larry the Cable Guy loves Iron Maiden.

FACT: Beer makes everything better.

FACT: The polar bear is the most overrated bear.

FACT: I was within 30 feet of about 40 dead bodies today.

Monday, December 03, 2007