Saturday, December 29, 2007

England swings like a pendulum do

1. NSF grant was due 12/12. It's not getting reviewed until 1/17? Good thing I busted ass to finish a month before anyone even looks at it. The government is awesome. I just hope whomever reviews it knows what a protein is. Otherwise I'm screwed.

2. I no longer get Rolling Stone. Not that I wanted it in the first place, but it was free, so eh? I felt guilty not reading it. But nowI apparently get ....Men's Journal? I don't even know what the Hell this magazine is for. Is it for extreme sports guys? I think it's actually for men having midlife crises who want to read about other, crazier men doing crap like cliffjumping. At least this one is monthly, so I can take my time with it.

3. Country music sundays now kick more ass than ever with new Roger Miller, Johnny Horton, Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash and...wait for it...Merle Haggard!

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