Wednesday, May 16, 2007

(r) pres. debate #2

Best start at the bottom of the post and read up. Also, I was really drunk by the end. Just so you're warned.

Rudy on the post show=not so good....uh database AND id card?

hey dood i oppose that.

RP FTL :(:(

Duncan hunter TS?


Look Gilmore I believe that you’re not a racist.

Appropriate>???? Come on dude.

Dumb. (1027)

Wait wait wait. Tancredo FTW? Jack bauer? I agree. But u don’t say tha man.

Constitution, rp!, hooray?

1984, what???

And stop leaning

Save urself RP!!

Still embarassed

I don’t like (1024)

Oh, crumb. I don’t know who is who.

Wait, thast guy’s Duncan Hunter? (1020)

TT “I love Reagan” (918)

(that the battlenet talk)

Mitt ur answer l00z, ftL.

Dood, everyone does.

Guiliani, “I remember 9/11”

Gutfeeling is good answer.

McCain’s answer good? (1015) I really don’t know.

This “scenario” is , uh neat.

BY THE US MAIL (Cnstitutional)


So I’ll turn o n Stones during the commercial


RP, RepubParty social pariah.

TT, distancing himself from RP

But, uh TT’s global warming answer FTL

Now I’m a little embarrassed for RP

McCain w/ a softball Q.

RP blew it big time

Guiliani is rigtht.

Shit, bad answer

So, stop it.

Oh, he’s leaning. (1003)

Fst 2 Washington, RP +100

Quit lookin so squinty man!!

HELLS yeah!!!!!!!(1001)

Hey, I wrote that man. Me.

Uhhh Ron Paul. ??? (10:00)

And then RG ftL, stfu. National ID card. w/e

Guiliani with ethe Viagra joke ftw (959)

Mccain w/ another bad joke

Mitt hates immigrants

“I talkied to somebody yesterday.” (956)

As long as I don’t pay for it.

Explain the problem w/ immigration.


Wait he’s on fire (954)

Ooo Tancredo?

Wait no RP in rd 2?

Brownback “hey, man…..are you cool?”

Ugh, no it isn’t Christ man. (949)

Guiliani talking about coercion? I’m listening.

Slavery= abortion. Thanks. (948)

No for realz, u hate RP?

Those embryos are dyin anyway doooood

Cop out answer (947)

BAD quewstion

TT head of HHS, which funds NIH

Also, I love Reagan

He sounds stoned

Ok, brownback is creepy (945)

Mitt joke still better than mccain’s

Look only RP is the cnsistent conservative.

Hm, Huckabee sounds like clinton.

Huckabee joke better


Mccain joke, not so funny. (941)

George Will now or George will 10 yrs ago? (939)

Hilary is the only 4reason I might vote R

RG vs Hil

Cuomo is as much a republican as some of these doods

Gilmore callin bruthers out

Whos laughing so loudly?

8 beers. (936)

Damn, I’m all federalisted up. Tancredo bein all Cons Pro ftw

End 1st part

Live, here is the first 30 or so mins, with the time in parenthyeses
Start from the bottom and watch along while reading (900 my time = o:00 on the video)

Frome the most recent (good for reading from the bottom_)

Constitution for TT? Holy SMOKES!!!! (9:32)

TT/RP ticket??? Conservative libertairan’s wet dream?

Tancredo. Ohhhhh, that dude. Tancredo?

The arsenal of democracy Is leaving our shores. Brilliant.

Gilmore on the OFF (9:29)

Sooo RP p4wns TT FTW!!!!

Homeland security is retarded host guy (9:28)???

That’s right RP

F***k yeah RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CDC???? Rewally?

Tommy Thompson will never be P or VP

Why can’t RP rebuttle everyone???

Lolololol at 9:25 You loser.

Damn your jokes, oh wait Brownback’s not as good

Who was that?

Wait, that wasn’t Brownback!!!

Better joke brtownback or mccain?

Zam John edwards!

Whoah, Brownback trying to steal RP’s stuffz (9:22)

Ooo, good joke McCain (4 realz)

I meant those caps.


Shouldn’t have been caps


How’s that dood? (9:19)

Gilmore reminds me of Bush (2).

4 GLBs so far (Great Lakes Beer)

[How come no one else asks questions?]

Hahahahahah the fat guy! (9:16)

Oh wait, Duncan Hunter! NOW, I know!

mmmmmm.Reagan? I dunno RP

CONSTITUTION!!!! (9:14) I think he’s right. *mancrush*

I heart RP

Oh HELLS YEAH (9:13)

Oh, Duncan Hunter.

Wait, who are you? What are youreading from??? (9:13)

RP not in the top 5, goddamn you FoxN!!!

No, really

Look Guiliani. No one take you seriously. You just remind of the time you hosted SNL.

Der, Brownback wtf dood??? Segregate iraq?? Nice. (9:11)

Yeah, Brownback, , errr what? Where’s Ron Paul?

Yeah Mitt , I’m really impressed with yotr foreign policy knowledge

Mitt Romney is like a robot (9:08)


Tommy Thompson has no neck

RP #2!!!

“Hi, I’m Smiley McCain!”

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