Friday, July 27, 2007

A World of Hurt by DBT

I was 27 when I figured out that blowing my brains wasn't the answer
So I decided, maybe I should find a way to make this world work out for me
And my good friend Paul was 83 when he told me; that "To love is to feel pain"
And I thought about that then and I've thought about that again and again

"To love is to feel pain" there ain't no way around it
The very nature of love is to grieve when it is over
The secret to a happy ending is knowing when to roll the credits
Better role them now before something else goes wrong
No, it's a wonderful world, if you can put aside the sadness
And hang on to every ounce of beauty upon you
Better take the time to know it there ain't no way around it
If you feel anything at all

So if what you have is working for you, or you think that it can stand a reasonable chance, and whatever's broken seems fixable and nothing's beyond repair
If you still think about each other and smile before you remember how screwed up it's gotten or maybe dream of a time less rotten
Remember, it ain't too late to take a deep breath and throw yourself into it with everything you got

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gym behaviour, part 1

Look, when you're going to work out, at least put the effort in. I mean, dinosaur-raping-donkeys what the fuck are these kids thinking?
If you don't know, all you need to work out are shorts(sweatpants), shoes, SOCKS and a shirt. That's it.

1. No hats. Gross. Until someone invents "sweathats" there are some nifty things called sweatbands that encircle your head and soak up sweat. ANd first of all, if you're in a weightroom, are you really going to sweat that much? And if you DO sweat that much that hat is fucking gross.

2. Sandals. What, are you retarded? Sandals give you in no way the stability of a shoe. Fucktard.

3. Wear socks. Gross.

4. WEAR A SHIRT. Otherwise, it is totally reasonable for me to naked lift, run and bike. There are more private mirrors to admire your physique. Otherwise I may start masterbat....I mean retching! Cuz, uh that's gross. Right?


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Go fuck yourself you piece of fucking trash

So you had to steal MY bike? Really? REALLY? You worthess piece of shit. I hope the chain snaps and you die. Or the breaks totally fail (they were on the way out) and you die. Either way I hope my bike causes your fucking death. Not really, I just hope you die. I don't care how it happens. Of all the bikes. Mine. I KNOW there are nicer bikes there. And that's not even the point. If I ever DO find out who you are I swear to Christ I will beat you within an inch of your life. Then I will kill you with the bike you fucking stole from me you inhuman fuckwad. I don't threaten either. I just do. Go fuck yourself.