Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Shouldn't it be SotU and not SOTU?

Anyway, watched the State of the Union address last night after real-life Napoleon Dynamite was my cashier at Tops and proceeded to lecture me on Alaska, since he must have known more about it than me. Putz.

I thought the speech was OK, nothing stirring (for me at least) but many patriotic lines. I loved the lip service he paid to free market capitalism which was followed immediately with his socialist pet projects (health care, etc.). Doesn't someone at least proof read his speech so he doesn't directly contradict himself? Also, his science initatives SUCK. Don't whine and complain about diseases that are too expensive to cure or uncurable and then cut funding on the research. Duh.

John Roberts is a very handsome Chief Justice. Sam Alito looked confused and bewildered last night. Rumsfeld looks like Skeletor. Nothing against him, in fact I think its great that if he had the purple hood and ram staff he would be He-Man's bumbling arch-nemesis.

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