Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bottle of Wine, Fruit of the Vine

Upon waking up the day after Valentine's day what did discover but my date, still in my room! "What are you doing here?" I asked. No reply was forthcoming, so we simply stared at each other. Then I realized that my date was actually a big bottle of wine and it was still about 1/3 full. And I felt like Hell. And it was 4 AM. Then some of the previous night started to come back to me, things such as drinking lots of wine. And other things. And listening to depressing music. LOTS of depressing music. But I did remember that I thouroughly enjoyed listening to a lot of Gram Parsons (Flying Burrito Brothers, The Byrds). That will be my next major music purchase (ie, anything I can find that I don't already have). And I will conclude with some random thoughts and observations.

1. Why do people work out in hats? That is just gross.

2. No matter how many times I brushed my teeth this morning I could still taste wine.

3. The Rolling Stones make me think almost exclusively of cocaine. Do what you will with that information.

4. Upwards of 80% men look better with moustaches.

5. Making figures for scientific papers is either great or terrible. I can't decide which.

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