Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Washington DC

So I had orientation in DC from Sunday-Tuesday. Fun stuff, except I almost missed my flight to DC (I poorly misjudge time on a regular basis). Thankfully, I didn't need to check any luggage. An uneventful flight (although the plane was uncomfortably warm) and I arrived at Reagan Airport. It was really cool during the descent, as we flew by the Capitol building and right over the Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln monuments. I figured the picture wouldn't take too well from a plane window. Reagan Airport definitely looks like it was designed in the late 60s-early 70s, I mean look at those domes:
Anyway, in case you couldn't tell, that picture was taken from the Metro tracks. It turns out that the hotel wasn't really in walking distance, as the lady from the travel agency had led me to believe. So I got to figure out how to use the Metro in DC, which wasn't too bad. I took another picture prior to leaving the airport, but I'm not sure why. The DC Metro is definitely less creepy than Cleveland's RTA...although I have yet to see homeless people sleeping at RTA stations. Note how I said "yet".

So, I got a little lost coming out of the Metro station and ended up walking 4-5 blocks in the opposite direction. I eventually figured my way back and found the hotel, waited in a pretty long line to check in, threw my bags in the room and ran to wait in an even longer line to check in and register for orientation. Anyway, after the introductory talks and information, everyone was set free for dinner. I returned to my room to rest a bit but when I tried to check my email I found that internet connections cost $10 bucks for 24 hours. Needless to say, I was pissed. All the other hotels I've been to recently have had free internet, sometimes wireless. And I was even more pissed to find...well just look at the picture. WHO THE EFF USES THE HOTEL PHONE WHILE THEY'RE TAKING A DUMP??? I mean, I've already been freaked out by people (douches) talking on cell phones in airport bathrooms while taking a dump. But, really, no internet but a freaking phone next to the toilet? You Doubletree asshats. So great, no email for three days. The rest of the evening was uneventful, as I was tired. Ate dinner, came back, slept. But on the way to/back from dinner I did notice some things:

1. The hotel is very close to the Pentagon. As in, the Pentagon is across the highway. So I guess it shouldn't come as a shock that contractors like Boeing are in the same area. Although, I can't help but feel cynical knowing that Boeing is right across the street from the people handing out massive defense contracts. But I guess that's DC.
2. It was noticeably warmer there. And I know it's further south than Cleveland. But flowers? That's really rubbing it in. Jerks. I'll go back to my near-freezing weather.

3. I glanced at this, chuckled, thought about about it, went back to look again and laughed even harder.

Monday it was raining out, so nobody went out during the free time. Which made me kind of sad, as I wanted to see the Pentagon. At any rate, the breakout sessions for the individual countries were more helpful and I was easier to see other people who would be going to Taiwan. So after the all the talks, we took the Metro to the Mall area and walked around for a bit. It wasn't raining too bad, just sprinkles on and off. Still, I was ticked that I'd forgotten my camera. Anyway, we ended up at the Old Ebbitt Grill for dinner and drinkin'. The place was PACKED. We waited like 45 minutes, but eventually the beer flowed and the food was pretty good. When we got back to the hotel, we decided to go up to the top floor rotating bar. Good times, good times. I just wish that I'd taken more pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.