Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Most important emails in one day, ever!

1. Don't need to worry about going to Dallas. I'm kinda dissapointed, but at least I heard from him.

2. I DO need to worry about the interview in San Diego now. Which is awesome since starting this week (or as soon as I start having cells that are ready) I will:

3. Revise the paper for JCB. That's a lot of cyclohexamide assays to do. Wheeeee.

4. No messin' around tomorrow. Paul Simon all day, plannin' and workin'!

5. And don't forget ASBMB and Taiwan. Forgot the Taipei guidebook though.

6. Nothing from NYU? Oh well.

7. Should get the cat soon. That's exciting too.

What a crazy day! Time to relax and listen to some Paul Simon and read some Bakker.

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