Friday, July 04, 2008

Today....Is our INDEPENDANCE DAY!!!

So, I celebrated America being the best country ever by roaming around the hills of another country, beer always in hand, delicious steamed bun occasionally in hand. Imagine your local county fair (or, more accurately, the unlicensed Bonnaroo food vendors). Except, instead of everybody on drugs, everybody just speaks a totally different language. Of which I know "Hello," "thank you," "I am an American," and 1-100. And cat, dog and fish. Useful, right? Well, so far it's been enough to get by. The people here are so nice, I'm not too worried anyway. Although I've been warned 'no nightclubs' for several different reasons (thanks Yu-Ting, Boss). Anyway, here's a July 4th treat as I wander off to other places to celebrate. Imagine the most watered down light draft beer you can. Then water it down some more. You end up with:

Yes, that's right. Taiwanese Bar Beer. Made in Japan. FYI.

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